People pay a lot of attention to their morning routines. Most of it is about how important a healthy morning routine is to be at your most productive.
But why don’t we talk about what you do at night?
When we wake up in the morning, we have the least ability to make decisions. Having a morning routine is helpful because it takes less time to decide what to do. This isn’t true for an evening routine since we’ve woken up and become better at making decisions.
We almost always do social things in the evenings instead of in the mornings during the week. This isn’t always a bad thing, but it does make it harder to make a plan for the evenings since things tend to change every day.
Evenings are seen as “free time” or “time to relax.” There’s nothing wrong with this, but there’s also nothing stopping us from working and having fun at the same time. Many of the ideas in this article can help you relax and feel happier. 5 pm is definitely evening time which you should use to refresh yourself.
Planning for each day and each week.
You just finished your shift, so you run out the door and head home.
You take it easy and watch some TV in the evening before going to bed. The following day, you get up and do what you usually do in the morning.
You get to work and start planning your day while your brain is still getting ready for the day. Because of your haze and how much time has passed, it’s hard to remember everything you had to do today. Your brain fog and inability to remember things also make the task take longer.
Planning for the next day at the end of the day can help you be more productive. First of all, writing down all your tasks for the day at night means that the list will be ready to go in the morning. When you start your work day, your brain often needs help to get the best focus it can for the day. If the tasks are already written down, looking at the list first thing in the morning might help you pay attention. This saves time in general. Instead of trying to remember tasks in the morning, they are written down while they are still fresh in mind. The other benefit of making a plan for the next day in the evening is that writing down tasks in our minds helps us relax. It only takes 5 minutes each night, but it will help you feel more relaxed for hours each night. Taking simple steps like these can boost productivity in a big way, especially over time. The same things happen when you plan your week. But they happen over a week and have goals for that week.
Pay the bill.
Based on what we know, it’s doubtful that you do. At least if you know, you’re doing it.
You could say that when you plan for the day or week, you are reviewing your work. When we talk about “reviewing,” we mean the amount of time spent looking at how well we did each day or week.
We often fly through the day, checking things off as we go and doing our best to stay on track with our goals. The things we didn’t get done today go on tomorrow’s list of things to do. How can we expect to improve as a team if we don’t look at how we’re doing? This could be a chance for you if your boss gives you feedback on how well you do your job. Still, they don’t happen very often and don’t have much substance.