In a world of competing interests, it’s easy to overlook the value of sound biblical teaching. However, churches should prioritize Bible-centered education in all aspects of their ministry.
A truly “Bible-centered” church will not sacrifice the teaching of Scripture for other concerns, such as evangelism or discipleship.
The Bible is God’s Word
The Bible is God’s Word. It is His revelation of Himself to mankind and His plan for history. The internal evidence of the divine origin of Scripture includes miracles and fulfilled prophecy. But the most compelling proof is that no other book has ever been subject to as much opposition and survived. Men have laughed at it, scorned it, burned it, made laws against it, and killed its authors, but still, the Bible survived.
Gospel-centered teaching seeks to interpret every passage of Scripture in light of the Gospel and how it points to Christ, the Hero of our faith. This does not mean that the historical accuracy of Scripture can be ignored or that we should attempt to find Jesus under every rock.
It’s The Foundation Of Our Faith.
A Sunday school that teaches Bible-centered teachings helps its community know God and develop a stronger connection. They also provide support as they face life’s challenges.
Bible-based teaching teaches students to use Scripture as their primary source of information for all of their studies. It focuses on using the Old and New Testaments and Jesus’ teaching recorded in the Gospels. This integrated learning approach argues against “proving” a point with one Scripture without considering other scriptures and the overall biblical picture. It also supports the view that Christian faith is more than just a set of ideas. It’s a relationship with the living Savior.
It’s The Source Of Spiritual Growth.
When we look for a church, it’s easy to get distracted by things like how big the building is or whether there are a lot of cars in the parking lot. However, the most important thing to consider is whether a church teaches from God’s infallible Word. A church that prioritizes Bible teaching will help its members grow spiritually. It will enable them to understand and apply Scripture to their lives and encourage them to share their knowledge. Nurturing an environment that values spiritual one-upmanship and growth is vital to ministry. This can be achieved through promoting Biblical learning at all times, whether during sermons or in other ways. By doing so, we can ensure that our church is growing correctly.
It’s The Power Of God.
The Bible contains countless examples of God’s power, from raising the dead to calming stormy seas to healing blind eyes. Experiencing the power of God isn’t an occasional experience but something we should actively seek out in our lives. Scripture also reveals that the Word of God is powerful, and we should not doubt its ability to transform our lives. It has the power to change people’s minds, such as when it turned Oxford University professor and avowed atheist C.S. Lewis into one of the most prolific Christian writers of his time. When it comes to Christianity, doctrine matters more than anything else. It defines our worldview and determines how we live our lives.
It’s The Message Of Salvation.
The central theme of the Bible is God’s plan to save man from sin and spiritual death. This salvation is provided through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Salvation is not just what happens at conversion; it also includes ongoing sanctification and eternal life in the presence of God. It’s important to find a church that emphasizes Bible-centered teaching. But look for something other than the biggest or most expensive one. Instead, find a church that focuses on what the Bible says and teaches students to love the Lord with all of their hearts.